Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Poetic Duet

So in the last few days I've been posting some of my poems on Instagram, and had a lovely person respond ever so kindly to them, and ask if they could write a collaborative poem with me. I jumped at the chance to try something different, and after hours of writing together yesterday, we came up with the poem below. We called it Becoming Whole. Make sure to check out her Wordpress and show some love to a beautiful soul. Also, if you are a Wordpresser, you can check out her copy of the poem, and reblog to your heart's content- http://hastywords.wordpress.com/2013/11/12/becoming-whole/

Becoming Whole

Written by Christian Mansell and Hastywords

Even as the sky covers
our sleepy eyes,
Dreams can’t escape
our finger’s grasp.

The world we’ve created
spills forth, joining,
blanketing negativity
in our combined hope.

We step through images,
eyes aglow
Tracing our past, our present,
moulding futures untold.

Holding our breath
We fall hearts first,
Into ancient stories
recollecting former fragments
to make us, one.

We are again whole
The beginning; our rebirth.